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POL Starting Situation

Starting Situation

POL Focus Tree

Focus Tree

Poland was reborn the way it had died, through war(s) between the Germans, Austrians, and Russians. By 1795 after a series of Partitions, Poland as a state had been wiped off the map. During the Weltkrieg, however, the German and Austrians occupied Russian controlled Poland (or Congress Poland), and split it between themselves. In 1916 in hopes of raising an army of Poles against Russia, the German Military Administration (Government General of Warsaw) proclaimed that Germany and Austria would work to create a united Polish state from their occupational zones. This new state would take the shape of a Kingdom, which was proclaimed the following year.

After two years of wrangling in February of 1920 the Constitution of the Kingdom, modeled after the one in Germany, was adopted, and its borders finalized (though did not include Polish areas of the Austrian Empire). The King would have full veto power over the legislature (the Senate, and the Sejm) and would appoint he Prime Minister.

First, one must be proclaimed by the Regency Council, a successor of the original provision government set up in 1916. The Germans would not have Karl, the Austrian Emperor, on the throne, and he had forbidden his cousin, Archduke Karl Stephan, from accepting the Polish crown. As a token of goodwill to the government in Berlin, the Council chose one of Kaiser Wilhelm’s sons, August Wilhelm, as King, becoming August IV when crowned in 1921.

The first elections, held in 1920, were won by a collaborationist coalition of smaller parties known as the Interpartisan Political Circle (Miedzypartyjne Koło Polityczne, MKP). The Market Liberal party is socially conservative but economically liberal. The pro-German, pro-status quo coalition recently returned to power in 1934 after a stint in opposition, with Antoni Ponikowski returning as PM.

Supporting the MKP government is the Social Conservative Christian Union of National Unity (Chrześcijański Związek Jedności Narodowej, ChZJN or Chjena), itself an alliance of Christian and Nationalists parties and groups, such as the National Populist Endecja movement. While not explicitly anti-German, it seeks to loosen the ties Germany has over Poland.

Formed in the wake of the then government’s loss in 1934, republicans and socialists formed the Union for Defence of the Law and Freedom of People (Związek Obrony Prawa i Wolności Ludu), better known as Centrolew. Its two main camps consist of the Polish Socialist Party (Polska Partia Socjalistyczna, PPS (Social Democrat)), and the Polish People's Party (Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe, PSL (Social Liberal)). While both are anti-monarchist, each holds pragmatic views on the monarchy. The PPS has links to Austria and its Constituent Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria.

Decision Categories[]

POL Decision Categories

Decision Categories

Early game content for Poland focuses on two main things, each with its own decision category:

  1. The 1938 Election (and the ‘Stability of the Kingdom’ decision category, covering the Four Movements inside Poland: The Monarchy, the Socialists, the Republicans, and the Nationalists)
  2. Influence in the Polish Economy (and ‘The Polish Economy’ decision category, fought between Germany, Austria, and Poland)

Note that for the former, some of the decision costs are tied to the current Monarchy Popularity, and in the latter tied to Polish influence in the Economy.

When the 1938 election rolls around, whichever Movement (and whether in a coalition or not) has majority support will win the election and have its leader appointed PM. But the two and a half years from game start will be a long one, with popularities swinging in one of the four directions or another. Popularity is increased or decreased through a combination of foci, decisions, and events. This includes choices by the major European powers as well, outside the hands of a Poland player.

Likewise, influence over the Polish economy can be increased or decreased through a combination of foci, decisions, and events. This can also include choices by Germany and Austria. In pre-1938 election content, some foci will have an influence requirement, needing Poland to own x amount of the economy for it to be taken. The influence value comes into play after the 1938 elections when Poland will be free to renegotiate the economic treaties it has with Germany and Austria. The more Poland influences its own economy, the better off it will be once the renegotiations are finished.

Black Monday[]

POL Black Monday

Black Monday Hits Poland

The ripple effects of the Berlin Stock Market Crash (Black Monday) are severe. Like a domino, the Warsaw Stock Exchange will also crash mere hours after the one in Berlin. Across Poland citizens’ savings, jobs, and livelihoods are wiped away, the Polish currency (the Złoty) goes into a free fall, and the economic prosperity enjoyed since the German victory in the Weltkrieg disappears almost overnight.

The Black Monday Tree has two main parts, each divided into sections: dealing with the economic (Black Monday Response) and political actions (Kingdom) going forward.

Black Monday Response[]

POL Black Monday Responce

Black Monday Response Tree Branch

POL Kingdom Focus Tree Branch

Kingdom Tree Branch

The foci and decisions are pretty straightforward, and all decisions which spawn from the foci are shown with their effects. Some mutually exclusive choices exist which can favor one movement over the other, but many of the decisions will whittle down negative national spirits as the tree is progressed through and the decisions taken.

Kingdom Branch[]

Kingdom Focus Tree Branch

Having addressed the Sejm, the King has two paths available to him: Letting the government take charge and support the ruling party/coalition, the MKP, or let his German advisors handle it, forming the Königstreue (Royalist), institutionalizing their unofficial role.

Regardless of which path he takes; both will work to shore up support for the monarchy. Supporting the MKP can see support taken away from the Republicans, and can have Stanisław Downarowicz brought into the Privy Council. Creating the Königstreue can see support taken away from the Nationalists and increase diplomatic relations with Germany, and its influence over Poland’s economy.

The bottom section of the Kingdom tree is shared between both paths. It will create an intelligence agency, and layout the future plans of the Privy Council, whether supporting the German, Austrian, or local Polish. The last two foci are mutually exclusive: ‘Safeguard Liberty’ will boost the Monarchy while hurting the Republicans. ‘Rein in the Sejm’ targets members who the King’s inner circle believes are traitors. Owing to his liberal nature, if Downarowicz was brought into the Privy Council this focus will be locked.

If the Sejm was reined in, it must be decided how that will actually work. Lifting parliamentary immunity or dissolving it outright until the next election will give Republicans a boost and allow for more investigations (See below). Also dissolving it will see the Monarchy take a popularity hit, with a malice national spirit until the next elections. Or the King can decide against both and simply leave the immunity, slightly increasing Monarchy popularity. Note that the event that triggers from the ‘Rein in the Sejm’ will also trigger from the start of the later investigations but will only trigger once from either, so ‘Safeguard Liberty’ can be taken and the Sejm later reined in.

Krakow Conspiracy[]

POL Krakow Conspiracy

The Krakow Conspiracy

The Krakow Conspiracy, so called because of the location it was uncovered, will be exposed when in July 1936 Austrian police raided a bank in the city suspected of money laundering. The bank was being used as a front for anti-monarchist/pro-republican causes in neighboring Poland. The money came not just from inside the Austrian Empire but through places like Russia and Switzerland! As more information comes to light, evidence was found to implicate not just anti-monarchist groups but pro ones as well, with paper trail even leading to members of the Sejm.

To combat and uproot these hidden contacts to foreign powers and radical political movements, the Sejm will authorize the creation of the National Commission of Safety (Komisja Obrony Narodowej, KON), led by Minister Felicjan Sławoj Składkowski to get to the bottom of this ‘conspiracy’ and will last until the 1938 election.

Immediately after the Conspiracy is uncovered the German Military Intelligence Agency (the Abteilung) will offer its support. Taking it will lessen the pp cost needed to take each decision by 10, but give Germany 4% more influence over the economy.

Four and a half months later, the ‘True Loyalties of the Sejm’ event, the same as from the ‘Rein in the Sejm’ focus will trigger. It will not if it has already from the focus. It will allow, if the Sejm is chosen to be dissolved or its members’ immunity lifted, for political parties to be investigated as well.

Base cost for each investigation is 40 pp. This can be lowered if certain foci are taken. ‘Form the Königstreue’ will lower the cost by 10, and the later ‘A Weapon against the Underground’ will lower it by 20, so each will only cost 10. But if instead ‘Strength the Interpartisan Circle’ was taken, only ‘A Weapon against the Underground’ can be taken so the cost will be 20. Combine either with the accepting German help and the investigations can cost 10pp or be free.

There are seven total investigations that can be undertaken. The first four are available automatically:

  1. The Trade Unions
  2. The Jewish Labor Bund
  3. The Officer Corps
  4. The Church Administration

The next three are available only if the Sejm’s members’ immunity was lifted or if the body was dissolved:

  1. The Polish Socialist Party (PPS)
  2. The Polish People’s Party (PSL)
  3. The Christian Union of National Unity (ChZJN)

During the investigations against the Church and ChZJN, it is possible to anger the ChZJN that it pulls out of the ruling coalition if a compromise deal is not drawn up. If the coalition collapses the MKP will need Monarchy support by itself to be above 50% when the election rolls around to stay in power.

(Early) Miscellaneous Events[]

POL Miscellaneous Events

Other Events and Content

There are many one off or small event chains between game start and the 1938 election which will affect its outcome. While there are too many to show, besides the ones shown in the image a few are explained below:

The Great Powers meddling in the election:

  • Germany, Austria, the Commune of France, and Russia will get events to boost their preferred movement by donating to it. Germany and Austria can boost the Monarchy and Republicans, respectively, by seven (if supported a little) or 14 (if supported a lot). France and Russia can boost the Socialists and Nationalists, respectively, by five (if supported a little) or 11 (if supported a lot). There is a very small chance that it is discovered, and it can be chosen to sweep it under the rug, or expose the funding scandal for a hit to the movement, losing seven popularity.

As for the ones shown in the image:

  • A little over a year from start, the Socialist Party will hold a Party Congress. This will be a really important choice for whoever leads the PPS to victory in the 1938 election will become PM, and for Dubois in the least, is needed to lead the PPS for the Republic to turn towards the Internationale in the case of a German defeat. Austria and the Commune of France can choose to support their preferred candidate, Barlicki and Dubois, respectively, which will lead to the increase in popularity for the movements they lead. In the case of France’s, it can be turned around and instead give Republican support.
  • The King’s son, Crown Prince Alexander, will find himself at the center of a royal scandal when a tabloid exposes his secret relationship with a commoner. His father can advise Alexander to:
    • End it – Alexander will marry in secret and be stripped of his royal titles. The King’s younger brother Oskar will become the heir presumptive.
    • Stay with her – Alexander and his family will come to an agreement where Alexander abdicates his titles so he will be free to marry. The King’s younger brother Oscar will be named the new heir to the throne.
    • Make him understand – Alexander will eventually break off his relationship, and later find and marry a noblewoman. He will stay Crown Prince and heir.
  • The King could, if he is still on the throne, be persuaded to invite into the Privy Council a local Polish landowner, in fact the largest landowner in Poland, Count Maurycy Zamoyski, the 15th Ordinate/Lord of Zamość. A top patron of the ChZJN, his inclusion in the Provy Council is needed to take the focus ‘The Christian Coalition’ that can be taken in a ChZJN or Statehood Party path. But once appointed it will later come to light Zamoyski has National Democrat and through it Russian contacts. He can be kept in the Council, quietly removed, or replaced with a more pro-German member.

The Jewish Labor Bund[]

POL Jewish Bund

Support of the Jewish Labor Bund

In the two years leading up to the 1938 election is a small event chain that can lead to the Jewish Labor Bund supporting the ruling MKP government. While socialist and activists, the Bund is a political organization for Jews in Poland that seeks cultural and social autonomy for its members.

The Bund will be watchful once, in April 1936, a dispute in the small village of Pryztyk between a Jewish baker and a Polish farmer goes from riot to full on pogrom (a violent attack on an ethnic or religious group, usually used in reference to those against Jews). With both sides claiming self-defense, it will be up to investigators to decide who was at fault: the Poles or the Jews. If the Poles were blamed, it will set a ‘support’ flag.

Two years later, with the Pryztyk Pogrom still fresh on people’s minds, another incident will take place at the heart of the country, in Warsaw, at the University. Students will demand Jewish professors and workers be fired, labeling one professor a traitor. In response, the National Democrats will propose to codify the already unofficial Numerus Clause, instituting quotas for Jews and Catholics students across the nation. With the Sejm getting ready to pass the bill, the King can use he veto power to stop it. If he does, another flag will be set.

Finally, as long as both flags were set and the Bund’s Investigation Flag NOT set (see the Krakow Investigation above), the Bund will throw its support behind the King. In doing so, Henryk Ehrlich will become available as an advisor, normally only available to a Centrelow government. With all the correct choices taken in this chain and in the investigation, this will in total increase Nationalist support to over 20. The best national spirit the Krakow Investigation can give can still be available if all the other Investigation Flags were set.

If the Jews were only supported once, and/or the Bun thoroughly investigated (so an Investigation Flag was set), more pogroms will break out, increasing Socialist support. In fact, if all the anti-Jewish choices were taken in this chain and in the investigation, by the end it can see Socialist support raise by over 30.

1938 Election[]

POL 1938 Election

1938 Election Results

There are eight total outcomes from the election, spread between four paths:

  • The MKP retains power:
    • By itself
    • In coalition with the ChZJN
  • The ChZJN takes power:
    • By itself
    • In a coalition with the MKP
  • Centrolew takes power
    • With Malinowski of the PSL
    • With Dubois as leader of the PPS
    • With Barlicki as leader of the PPS
  • The Statehood Party is appointed as an emergency government

Note that in all paths, there will be the danger of revolt from the Socialists, Nationalists, or both. They are covered in their own sections further down below.

Circle Victory[]

POL Circle Victory

MKP Stays in Power

MKP Stays in Power

Days after his victory in the election, PM Ponikowski will follow through on his previous intention to retire, and will be succeeded by Aleksy Ćwiakowski. The new PM may not last too long though as when the Land Consolidation Act goes before the Senate, ruling party members will demand a more water downed version and will refuse to pass the bill as is. If Ćwiakowski stands firm his opponents will take the matter to the King to end the deadlock between the Senate and Sejm. The King can agree and remove Ćwiakowski and will replace him with Eustachy Sapieha, or force them to a deal and keep Ćwiakowski as PM.

The MKP can also successfully negotiate for the unification of the southern Polish lands held under the Austrian Empire (see below).

The 1942 election has four possible results, all with the MKP keeping power. The only difference is the coalition that forms.

If August is still the heir, up to a year after the last focus is taken King August will announce his intention to abdicate. His son Alexander will succeed him as Alexsander II.

ChZJN Victory[]

POL ChZJN Victory

ChZJN is Victorious

With the ChZJN taking power Józef Chaciński will be appointed PM.

The 1942 election has two possible results, both with the ChZJN keeping power.

If August is still the heir, up to a year after the last focus is taken, King August will announce his intention to abdicate. His son Alexander will succeed him as Alexsander II.

Statehood Appointed[]

POL Statehood Appointed

Statehood Emergency Government Appointed

The King can annul the elections results and appoint an emergency government under Władysław Studnicki, leader of the Statehood Party (Stronnictwo Państwowe, SP) which is a member of the Interpartisan Political Circle Coalition. Note that if the election was supposed to be won by one of the Republican parties, the government will face a revolt (see Centrolew Victory below).

The 1942 election has two possible results, both with the SP keeping power. The only difference is the coalition that forms.

If August is still the heir, up to a year after the last focus is taken, King August will announce his intention to abdicate. His son Alexander will succeed him as Alexsander II.

Centrolew Victory[]

POL Centrolew Victory

Centrolew is Victorious

If both the Republicans and Socialists have a combined support of more than 50%, Centrolew can form the next government, the leader being begrudgingly appointed PM by the King. Depending on who is in control of the PPS, Dubois or Barlicki can lead a Soc Dem PPS government, or Malinowski as leader of a Soc Lib PSL government. Content for the Soc Dems and Soc Libs are shared.

The new government can attempt one of two major reforms after taking office: to curtail the powers of the Senate (with the eventual plan to get rid of it completely) or curtail the membership of the Privy Council (Geheimrat) by only allowing Polish citizens to be members.

Whichever focus is taken, the King won’t take to kindly to the legislation and on advice of the Privy Council will veto the bill. Having lost the confidence of the King, the PM will tender his resignation and the King will appoint Studnicki of the Statehood Party as the new PM. Studnicki will have two months to sure up support or risk a full-blown revolt.

If Studnicki fails Centrolew will respond with protests, the likes of which Warsaw has not seen in more than a quarter of a century. The Germans, watching wearily, can send a detachment of Uhlans to support the Polish Army if it chooses. The protests will devolve into a full-blown revolution, becoming known as the Clover Revolution after the clover, a symbol of the union between peasant and worker.

If Germany sent in their Uhlans AND the German Military Mission sent in Heinz Guderian’s armored unit, the Clover Revolution will fail when the Reichspakt moves into Poland. Studnicki will stay in office and no further elections will be held. The Republican Movement will be all but dead.

But the Revolution will succeed by choosing to mobilize more units, or Guderian’s armored unit when Germany did not send help, when members of the Polish Army will side with the protestors. The Rzeczpospolita (rendered as Commonwealth, or Republic) will once again be declared and King August will abdicate. Norbert Barlicki of the PPS will become acting President until Presidential Elections are held two months later. A PM will be voted into office the next day.

In response to the Revolution in their eastern neighbor, German (and if applicable Austria) will have an event chain on how to deal with the new republican Poland.

  • Germany can overlook the Clover Revolution if Poland agrees to come back into the German fold. Poland will be allowed to keep its republican government but will once again become a puppet. Germany can renege at the last minute and lead to Germany declaring war (see Foreign Affairs section below).
  • If Germany decides to wait out sending an ultimatum to Poland, or Poland does not want to accept it, Poland will send a delegation to Austria for its support. If Austria accepts Poland will join the Donau-Adribund. But if Austria refuses Poland can offer its support to Germany and rejoin as a puppet or risk war with Germany, or Germany can immediately move into Poland and oust the current government. In this case Germany will install Eustachy Sapieha in an Auth Dem government, with no further elections.

Centrolew Elections[]

POL Republic Elections

Presidential Elections

Republican Elections

The Sejm will vote on a PM the day after a Republic is declared. There will be three candidates, the same as the Centrolew candidates from 1936:

  1. Acting President Barlicki of the PPS
  2. Dubois of the PPS
  3. Malinowski of the PSL

The next election will be held in 1942, with Dubois forming a PPS government, or Jan Woźnicki forming a PSL government (with two options for a coalition). If Woźnicki was elected President previously, Malinowski will become the PM.

Presidential elections will be held two months after declaring independence. Four will stand:

  1. Norbert Barlicki – Will not stand if PM
  2. Stanisław Wojciechowski
  3. Jan Woźnicki
  4. Gabriel Narutowicz

The ruling party will not change as it is tied to the PM election.

The next election will take place in 1943, and will feature the same candidates but with but some conditions:

  1. Norbert Barlicki – Will not stand if PM
  2. Stanisław Mikołajczyk – Poland must own Upper Silesia
  3. Jan Woźnicki
  4. Gabriel Narutowicz – Poland must own Krakow

Centrolew Miscellaneous Events[]

POL Centrolew Miscellaneous Events

Centrolew Other Events and Content (with Faction)

Content for any of the Centrolew governments (Soc Dem or Soc Lib) are shared. Both can peacefully unite with the southern Polish lands held under the Austrian Empire (see below), and form a faction. The Intermarium can be formed with any democratic non-puppet governments who are not in faction or at war, from Greece up to Finland and all states in between. From the focus that gives the decision to create it, ‘Dawn of Progress,’ Poland can get puppet wargoals on any undemocratic neighbors.

Republican Revolt[]

POL Republican Revolt

Republican Revolt Against Centrolew

From the first PM election, Poland will gain the national spirit ‘Political Instability,’ which can only be removed from taking the last focus in the tree, ‘Dawn of Progress.’ Until that time, if Nationalist support is high enough when select foci are taken (but will only trigger once), conservative elements will attempt a coup. For it to occur Nationalist support must be 21% or over when taking the following:

  • Embrace Secularism
  • Free and Secular Education
  • Enshrine Minority Rights
  • Female Suffrage

If the Śmigły Coup as it becomes known (named after General Edward Rydz-Śmigły) succeeds, the result will depend on if Poland is in a faction with Germany, Austria, or independent.

If independent, or if Germany/Austria decides to do nothing, ChZJN will form a new government under Władysław Grabski. Rydz (the additional Śmigły is actually a non de guerre which he later adopted officially) will become the Minister for Defense, and Chief of the Army.

If Germany/Austria demands immediate elections, Poland can agree which will defeat the coup. But if Poland declines, it will rise up against the faction leader, with Rydz becoming Minister for Defense, and Chief of the Army and Chief of State. Rydz as the country leader has a unique focus branch. (See OZN Counter-Coup)

  • If Poland was in the Reichspakt, Germany will automatically declare war to try and puppet Poland again.
  • If Poland was in the Donau-Adribund, Austria will declare immediately to try and force Poland back to being a puppet, but Germany will get a wargoal to topple the Rydz government.

Economic Renegotiation[]

POL Economic Renegotiation

Renegotiating the Economic Treaties

After the 1938 elections Poland will be able to renegotiate its economic treaties with Germany and Austria. It will take 30 days, but the end result will differ based on how much influence Germany, Austria, and Poland have over the Polish economy.

  • Poland has 50%+:
    • This is the best-case scenario which will decouple any outgoing civilian industry that went to Germany and/or Austria.
  • Poland has 50%-:
    • If German influence is 30% and up while Austria’s is under 10%, the Treaty will heavily favor Germany, but will give benefits to production costs and output.
    • On the opposite end if Austrian influence is 30% and up while Germany’s is under 10%, the Treaty will heavily favor Austria, but give benefits to pp gain and construction speed.
    • If Austria has more than 10%, Germany and Austria will come to an agreement to establish a Condominium over Poland, and while overall worse for the Polish economy, will give benefits of both majors.
  • Lastly, if for example Austria does not exist, Germany will establish an economic cooperation as in the first scenario.

This is not the end all for influence over the economy. Many political paths’ foci will can raise or lower control and in a couple specific cases raise it to another level (as well as if it was puppeted):

  • If Austria already established Economic Cooperation with Poland, as long as Poland did not leave the D-A previous and/or is not in the Reichspakt, if Poland if unified with Galacia Austria will turn Poland into an Economic Zone.
  • If Germany already established Economic Cooperation with Poland, if it finds itself rejoining the Reicskpakt (either willingly or through coercion), the Reichspakt moved into Poland after a failed Clover Revolution, Germany will establish a hegemony over Poland and integrate the economy with its.

Crossroads of Europe[]

POL Crossroads of Europe

Poland: The Crossroads of Europe

The current state of the rail system in Poland is lackluster. It is so bad many operators will literally go around the country to avoid using Polish rails! A MKP, Statehood, or Centrolew government can create an ambitious plan to fix those connections and Poland back in line with the rest of Europe.

To start the project, the first focus of the After Black Monday tree branch must be completed (The Central Industrial Region), and the decision it gives completed as well (Renovate the Warszawa Glowna Rail Hub). There are quite a few lines which are created and/or expanded upon.

You can see them all in the image above. If it goes into a foreign state, Poland needs to be at peace with the owner. The lines shown in the image are the province the line starts in to the province it ends in, so as they might not seem to connect, they will with existing railroads.

If taken successively, the project will take about three and a half years to fully complete.

(Note the base map was by Reddit user ChopperVonSavoyen's from KR v0.23. While the provinces and state shapes may have changed, it is nothing too significant.)

Major Revolts[]

POL Revolts

Foundation of Nationalist and Socialists Revolts

No matter who wins the 1938 election there can overhang two revolts against the government; one from the Nationalists and one from the Socialists. That is except for the ChZJN as the Nationalists won’t rise up against a government they support. Instead, it has another revolt named Operation Parasol (see below).

Up to two repeating decision events will show after the election:

  1. Anti-German Agitation, which is the Nationalist Revolt
  2. Revolutionary Mood Spreading, which is the Socialist Revolt

It may happen that one of the decisions not show if certain prerequisites were already met. This is also the way to disable a Revolt mid-game before it has a chance to break out.

  • If support for the movement in question is too low, under 5%
  • If a certain focus is taken, usually found mid-way through the government’s focus tree
  • Or is Poland has more than 50% stability and the ruling movement is more popular than the movement in question

While post-election events, foci, and decisions can still increase or decrease movement support, the Revolt decisions themselves will do one of two things every 60-days: lower stability or increase support of the movement in question.

The 60-day timer can be increased through an accompanying decision. Each time it is taken it adds an additional 10pp to the cost of the decision to increase. It can further be increased through various foci as shown in a government’s focus tree (see the individual sections’ slides in Part 1 for more information).

Nationalist Revolt[]

POL Nationalist Revolt

Adam Doboszyński and the National Party

If the conditions are met for a Nationalist revolt, acting on orders of General Edward Rydz-Śmigły, German units in Poland will be disarmed and arrested, and Poles across the border in Germany will rise up against the Kaiser. The Sejm will meet to replace the previous government now labeled as ‘traitors.’ Having been previous smuggled back into Poland, the National Committee (becoming the National Party) led by Adam Doboszyński will be ushered into office with Doboszyński becoming Chief of State.

Doboszyński will find himself at war with the Reichspakt, and facing two possible internal revolts. The internal revolts are shown as decisions, and if they are not completed in time will lead to his ousting. (For that path see below.)

If Doboszyński is able to quell the internal opposition to him and the external threat of the Reichspakt (mostly likely with Russia help) he will turn his attention inward. Other political parties, firstly its ally the ChZJN, will be absorbed unto the National Party, before finally rebranding itself as the National Organization.

An international aim of Doboszyński is the unity of the Western Slavs against the imperialist forces of Germany to the west and Russia to the east. To that end he can form the Legion of the Slavic Nations faction (or the West Slavic Union) after Poland has secured its neighbors: Czechia, Slovakia, Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine. The focus ’Unity of the Western Slavs’ will give topple government wargoals on those countries. From a decision once they’re controlled, the puppets will get a unique puppet name: Slavic Union Signatory, and a unique country color: Poland’s pink. Pat Aut or Nat Pop governments (Latvia, Hungary, Romania, Greece, and Serbia) can be invited to the Legion.

Nationalist Counter-Revolt[]

POL Nationalist Counter-Coup

The ChZJN outs Doboszyński

If Doboszyński is not able to quell the two possible internal revolts against him he will be ousted during a session of the Sejm. The opposition will lockdown the building and hold a hastily planned impeachment vote which will pass. The Soc Con ChZJN will be ushered into office, with Presidential elections held immediately. The candidates will be:

  • Adam Chadzynski
  • Władysław Grabski
  • Eustachy Sapieha
  • Józef Chaciński
  • Wojciech Korfanty – only if Poland owns Upper Silesia
POL OZN Counter-Coup

OZN Counter-Coup

OZN Counter-Coup[]

After Doboszyński overthrows the government there is another waiting in the shadows for his own time to strike: General Edward Rydz-Śmigły. A little less than a month after Doboszyński is installed as Chief of State, Rydz can lead his own coup if he has enough support (more than 10% for his Pat Aut clique) or if Poland is NOT in the Moscow Accord, and take over as Chief himself.

Once in power, Rydz will develop a cult of personality around himself, and can even get a town named after himself (or rather his non de guerre). With the threat of war over, he will restore elections which his party will easily win, securing a term as President. His new cabinet can take the form of a broad coalition, or stay as is. A Constitution will be drawn up and declared a bit later, creating the office of President, elected every seven years, replacing the old King but retaining all of his powers.

Operation Parasol[]

POL Operation Parasol

Operation Parasol

Operation Parasol is a ChZJN government’s answer to Doboszyński’s Nationalist Revolt. Whether still a monarchy or a Republic, if given the chance General Edward Rydz-Śmigły will break Poland away from an overlord Germany/Austria while it is at war with Russia.

Socialist Revolt[]

POL Socialist Revolt

Kazimierz Zakrzewski of the Union of Polish Socialists

If the conditions are met for a Socialist revolt, major labor unions led by the Union of Trade Unions (Związek Związków Zawodowych, ZZZ) will call for a general strike against the wartime restrictions implemented by the government. With a standoff between the strikers and army, the King/President will seek to end the strikes with force. What the army did not except was for the strikers to fight back and even loose units to defections. With the now revolutionary mood spreading from city to city, the Sejm will meet to elect a new leader, a Chief of State. When one can not be agreed upon, it will eventually given to Kazimierz Zakrzewski of the ZZZ. He rules through the Syndicalist Union of Polish Socialists (Związek Syndykalistów Polskich, ZSP).

Two months after taking office during a session of the Sejm, supporters of Zakrzewski will propose dictatorial-like powers be transferred to a new Executive Committee to be chaired by him, to complete Poland’s liberation. If it passes Zakrzewski will get a new trait to show his new powers: Naczelny Wódz (in this case can be translated as Commander-in-Chief).

The provisional government formed after the ZZZ overthrew the government can’t last forever, and the Provisional Revolutionary Government will hold its last session when the focus ‘The Myth of the Revolution’ is taken. The session will create a new, permeant government, tackling topics such as what the type of government (unitary or federation) will be and powers of the executive (if the President should be strong or not).

Once the questions are settled the next step will depend on if Zakrzewski holds dictatorial powers or not. If he does not, elections will be held. If he does, he will have the option to willingly give up the powers and hold elections. (See Socialist Elections below.)

If Zakrzewski decides to hold onto the powers the ZSP will turn Totalist. He will have to secure his now permanent powers by getting Totalist support above 50% within five months. This is done through foci, event option choices, and decisions. If he does not, he will be forced to call immediate elections and step down.

Socialist Elections[]

POL Socialist Elections

Socialist Republic Elections

Held to inaugurate the new socialist system, the new Sejm will meet to elect a new President:

  1. Kazimierz Zakrzewski: Syndie Union of Polish Socialists (Związek Syndykalistów Polskich, ZSP) – He must have not taken, or willingly gave up, dictatorial powers
  2. Leah Feldman: Syndie Syndicalist Union | Freedom (Syndykalistyczny Związek | Wolność, SZW) leads the main opposition to Zakrzewski
  3. Zygmunt Zaremba: Rad Soc Polish Socialist Party (Polska Partia Socjalistyczna, PPS)
  4. Jerzy Cseszejko-Sochacki: Rad Soc Polish Socialist Party (Polska Partia Socjalistyczna, PPS) – If Zakrzewski was forced to give up his dictatorial powers
  5. The elections will repeat at the next regularly scheduled election cycle, but Feldman can only be elected if she or Zaremba won the first election.

Socialist End Content[]

POL Socialist Late Game

Endgame Socialist Focus Paths

The last focus for the socialist paths can differ based on which party is in power:

  • The Totalist ZSP has access to ‘Piłsudski's Vision’ and ‘Red Intermarium.’ Józef Piłsudski, General, Republican, and a leader of Polish independence conceived of a geopolitical plan called the Intermarium (or Międzymorze in Polish, meaning between the seas), to reunite the former lands of the old Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Zakrzewski can take the plan and adjust it to his socialist viewpoint, and proclaim it is to free the oppressed peoples in the east.
    • Poland will be able to get access to decisions to claim Russian states, and when it owns enough states can proclaim the Commonwealth. This will also see the capital moved from Warsaw to either Vilnius, Brest, or Lwow.
  • The Syndie ZSP or SZW and the Rad Soc PPS has access to the ‘Polish Socialist Republic,’ which just keeps the status quo.
  • Both the Totalists and Syndie/Rad Socs have access to the mutual 'Embrace Internationalism' path, which can lead to the creation of the Central European Confederation. It is geopolitical plan to unite the western Slavs of Poland, Czechia, and Slovakia into one state.
    • To do so Poland must own, or its puppet own, Prague and Slovakia. Both Czechia’s and Slovakia’s core states (or Czechoslovakia’s if it singularly exists) will be claimed by Poland and the state(s) annexed. If Lower Silesia is owned by a puppet of Poland, it will also be annexed and claimed as well.

Polish Unification[]

POL Polish Unification

Uniting with Galacia

Uniting with Galacia

Poland can peacefully unify with the southern Poles who live in the Austrian Empire/Galicia and Lodomeria in two of its paths, both which the same set of events. The Mar Lib MKP can take the focus ‘Unite the Poles,’ while the Soc Dem PPS/Soc Lib PSL can take the focus ‘Union with Krakow.’

The owner of Krakow, or if it is a puppet its overlord, will get an event with the Polish proposals: unification with Krakow for economic guarantees. If Austria refuses, Poland will leave the Donau-Adribund if it is a member and join the Reichspakt instead.

If Austria agrees to transfer Krakow and G-L still exists, Austria will annex the remainder of G-L. Now with Krakow united with Poland, the only other question left to ask is what to do with the remainder. Austria will have four options:

  • Split it between Poland (Lwow) and Ukraine (Stanislawow, Cernauti, and Suceava)
  • Give it all to Ukraine
  • Give it all to Poland
  • Keep it all

Once transferred to Poland, Romania may get the option to buy the states of Cernauti, and Suceava from Poland.

Foreign Affairs[]

POL Foreign Affairs

Puppet and Foreign Interactions

If Poland finds itself on the losing end of a war with Germany, it will be annexed and puppeted. But the King will not be restored. Instead, Germany will recreate the General Government of Warsaw (Generalgouvernement Warschau) the military government in German occupied Poland during and after the Weltkrieg. It will also be once again headed by Governor-General Wolfgang von Kries, the recently deposed head of the Germany Military Mission in Poland.

If Poland finds itself on the losing end of a war with an AI Austria, the Republic Austria puts in place will be determined by the type of government Vienna has. If Austria is a/the player, it will instead release a Kingdom led by Archduke Karol Olbracht (son of Karl Stephan) under a PSL government. If Austria is Soc Dem, then the Soc Dem PPS will become the ruling party. Both a player and the AI can choose to liberate Poland with Galicia and Lodomeria or not.

Besides the starting Reichspakt and the ability to join Austria’s Donau-Adribund, Poland can also join:

  • the Moscow Accord/Eastern Front of the Third Internationale - To join the Soviets both must be socialists
  • the Internationale
  • the Entente – If Nat France and Canada/the UK reclaimed la Métropole and the Home Islands, respectively, Poland will need to own a costal state
  • the Belgrade Pact - Both the leader and Poland must be socialists or both not

Aside from the Entente, all require German to be at war with the Commune of France or Russia, if it exists.

There also exists a couple of ‘Turn to…’ decisions which can be taken once Germany has capitulated or has ceased to exist.

  • To turn towards Moscow, Poland must control all its owned states, neither it or Russia be socialist, not in a faction with either Russia or the Internationale, and can NOT be Mar Lib or Auth Dem.
  • To turn towards Paris/Internaltionale Leader – Poland must control all its owned states, be Soc Dem, have Dubois as leader of the PPS (from the Congress back before the 1938 election), and not in a faction with either Russia or the Internationale.

In either case, the faction leader will get Poland’s offer, which it can accept, demand reparations, or flat out deny. Poland will have to accept the leader’s acceptance/demand for it to take effect.

The Internationale will get a friendlier government in Warsaw led by a Syndie Zakrzewski, while Moscow will keep the current government in place, but will overthrow the Monarchy is Poland is lead by a King. If Moscow is Nat Pop, it has a chance to coup the government and replace it with a much friendlier one. Vozhd of the Russian State Boris Savinkov can demand the removal of traitors and radical socialists from the Polish government, leaving just the National Democrats left. Doboszyński will be named President, but an election at gunpoint is not election, it is a coup. Therefore, his branch of the focus tree will be locked out.


POL Decolonization

Earning Independence

Poland has a couple ways to peacefully be granted independence from Germany:

In the first, during the 2WK if Poland is still a Monarchy, a puppet of Germany and in the Reichspakt, Germany will get a decision to promise Poland autonomy once the war is over and won. Granted that happens, Germany will be given three options:

  1. Give Poland the autonomy it promised
  2. Give Poland total independence
  3. Renege on it

The second involves bringing Germany back from the brinks. As long as Poland still has a King, if the 2WK turns sour and Germany capitulates and Poland is able to retake it, the King of Poland (whether still August, or his son Alexsander) will be honored in Berlin as the 'Kaiser-Maker.' After negotiating with the Germans, Poland will be given its independence, along with the states of Posen, and Upper Silesia.
